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Astrology & The Cosmic Clock


Diet / Fasting / Exercise / Sleep

Flowers & Trees



Incense & Scents

Light / Color


Movies / Videos

Music & Sound


Physical Gestures / Movements / Postures

Physical Objects


Spiritual Teachings

Spoken Word




Sacred Tools

It was mentioned on the previous page of this website that Walking the Spiritual Path serves many purposes that are essential for us Individually and for All of Life, because everything is connected . . . EVERYTHING is a part of THE ONE. The focus of Ascended Masters, Angels, Elementals, and Man is to bring as much Light into the world as possible. In order for us to play our role, we need to strive to purify ourselves and rise higher in consciousness. When this happens, we are able to contain more Light within our Auras, Chakras, and Four Lower Bodies.


This is extremely important, for we will be “anchoring” the Light of God into the Earth to counteract the Darkness. Eventually, Light will overcome Darkness and “tip the scales” in favor of God’s Grand Vision for His Creation & His Children! This is referred to as “Holding the Balance of Light”. It is a Vital and Sacred Activity that Lightbearers volunteer to engage in (consciously or unconsciously at a Soul Level) . . . as “Bearers of Light”.     

There are certain “Spiritual Tools” that we can use to help us with our Self-Perfectionment, Service to Life, and Co-Creating a New World . . . which ALL contribute to Holding the Balance of Light in the Earth. These include Sacred Methods / Strategies / Techniques and specific Physical Objects that are effective for various “Spiritual Jobs”. It is similar to using different tools for different jobs when building, fixing, cooking, or cleaning things. There are different types of Spiritual Tools as well as many options of each Tool. We must follow our hearts and use the ones that we feel are necessary at the time . . . depending on what we are hoping to achieve.


Of course, there are too many Spiritual Tools to be listed here. Below are a few of the most important / powerful ones. Each Tool could also be discussed in great length, but a brief description will be shared here . . . along with excellent links that provide additional information.

TSL - Twin Flames, Chakras, VF





Throughout history, people around the world have used a platform of some kind to hold various religious / spiritual items in order to perform religious ceremonies / rituals. In the old days, it was used for sacrifices to “The Gods” or “God”. Others use it as the focal point of their religious service, such as the Catholic Church. The Altar is intended to be a Sacred Place to commune with God and give our devotion, gratitude, and prayers. We can set up our own personal Altar at home in a manner that we feel guided to do, and we can create a portable Altar for when we are traveling. These are examples of an “Outer Altar”, but we can also create an “Inner Altar” for our meditations when we privately commune with God / Ascended Masters / Our Higher Self in the “Secret Chamber of the Heart”.      






Art has played an important role in cultures around the world throughout history and can be seen in Architecture, Clothing, Drawings, Paintings, Sculptures, and so on. It is intended to bring Light into the world through Beautiful Designs / Patterns. It can help to bring Heaven to Earth and raise Earth to Heaven as an “Expression of Love” through the heart. Higher states of consciousness allow people to produce higher forms of art. People become more Masterful and can access the Wisdom / Creativity of God to create truly Magnificent Masterpieces that will last through the Ages and inspire / uplift Mankind. Art should reflect the Beauty, Purity, and Perfection of Heavenly Concepts. We know that in previous Golden Age Civilizations the artwork was truly incredible, and it will be again during our transition into the Aquarian Age. There were many amazing artists in the past, and there are many today as well. More talented people will continue to come forth and anchor the Sacred Energies of God into their artwork.


It is also important to mention that Paintings & Statues, for example, can be used as “Focuses of Light” on the Physical Plane and through which the Ascended Masters can anchor their “Electronic Presence”. So, we are not worshiping the objects when we have pictures or statues in homes / religious buildings . . . instead, we are focusing on the Light / Vibration of the Masters Themselves. It is similar to people having Sacred Images of Gautama, Jesus, Mother Mary, and other Great Beings as focuses for their devotion.     

Marius Painting

Marius Michael-George

Omraam on Art


Astrology & The Cosmic Clock

Astrology & The Cosmic Clock


The use of astrology can be seen around the world and has taken place throughout history. It is complex and involves the influence upon Mankind and the Earth by the Sun, other Planets, and the Moon. The Cosmic Clock is a “Sacred Science” that is connected to Astrology, but it is so much more. It is one of the most important Spiritual Teachings presented to Mankind outside of a Mystery School. It has been mentioned many times on this website and is an incredible Spiritual Tool to help us monitor our karma and spiritual initiations / tests, to learn about the Pure Qualities of God and their opposites, and to better understand the Higher Mysteries regarding the 12 Lines of the Cosmic Clock, the 12 Petals of the Heart Chakra, and the 12 Gates of the “New Jerusalem” / “City Foursquare”. 

TSL - Clock Diagram






A focus on breathing has been an important spiritual practice / tool for a very long time. It can be as simple as just putting one’s attention on the process of inhaling / exhaling in order to clear the mind, calm the emotions, and relax the body. It can also be as complex as understanding the Higher Mysteries of Prana, the Holy Spirit, the “Universal Life Energy”, and the “Light of God”. It is called the “Sacred Fire Breath of God”, and this Life-Giving Force is EVERYWHERE. It is vital for our spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical health / well-being (i.e., Four Lower Bodies). It is also very important when it comes to our Chakras. We take in Prana through sunlight, fresh air, clean water, and healthy food (Fire, Air, Water, Earth). This supports the need for people to spend more time in Nature, and why being indoors for long periods of time can negatively affect our overall strength / vitality. The primary source of Prana is the Air, which is why Breathwork is such an important Tool on the Spiritual Path. Pranayama is more than just “normal breathing”; it consists of different breathing exercises that specifically focus on regulating the breath and increasing the flow of Prana. Mudras, along with the use of Mantras, are also very powerful in working with Light / Prana in the Chakras.




Diet / Fasting / Exercise / Sleep

Diet / Fasting / Exercise / Sleep


While we are Walking the Spiritual Path, we cannot forget the importance of taking care of our physical bodies. As mentioned already, the Four Lower Bodies are intertwined. When our physical bodies are healthy and strong, it helps us to have calm emotions, clear minds, and allows us to become better “Instruments” / “Vessels” for our Higher Self and the Ascended Masters to illumine / guide us and to work through us to do greater things on the Earth. Our diets should be as natural and healthy as possible. We should make time to fast in a healthy / natural manner. We should be exercising our physical bodies regularly. We should be getting enough sleep each day, because it is important for the rejuvenation, balance, and stability of our minds, emotions, and bodies. Sleep also allows our Souls to leave in our Etheric Body and travel to the Etheric Plane where the Ascended Masters can instruct us on our Spiritual Path.

Macrobiotic Foods
Changed - Mario



Flowers & Trees

Flowers & Trees


The Mother Aspect of God, which includes Mother Nature, is breathtakingly Beautiful. This planet, Mother Earth, is absolutely Magnificent. There is so much that we do not know about God’s Creation and how it ALL benefits Mankind. We are truly One with Mother Nature, and working with ALL aspects of our surroundings is vital for our health / well-being (spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically). For example, there is so much to better understand about the purposes of Flowers and Trees . . . even beyond the obvious facts of how beautiful they look, how fragrant they smell, and the food that they provide for us. Most people would be very surprised to know how Beneficial, Complex, and Perfect God’s Creation is . . . and that EVERYTHING was specifically created for His Children!   

Calla Lily
Siberian Cedar Tree
Oak Tree





As mentioned above regarding “Flowers & Trees”, there is so much about God’s Creation that we know very little about . . . or, at most, we know a little about. Every aspect of Mother Nature was created to help Mankind in some way. The Air, Water, and Soil are three crucial Elements. However, there are aspects of these elements that play very important roles in our spiritual development as well. Gemstones are beautiful and valuable, but they serve more important roles than most people may realize. For example, they can be used for healing / rejuvenating our Bodies, Minds, & Souls. There are many different kinds of precious / semi-precious gemstones, and they each serve a different purpose in helping Man and the Earth.


Certain stones are even more powerful than others; they have a molecular structure that allows them to store Light / Vibration (e.g., Amethyst, Jade, Lapis Lazuli, Quartz) . . . like the spiritual equivalent of a “microchip”. This is also why Quartz Crystal, in particular, will be very important one day regarding energy production and harnessing the Power of the Sun. Gemstones can also be used for Meditation and as Tools for specific purposes on our Spiritual Paths. Certain gemstones are also associated with certain Chakras and Rays of God.






Similar to what was said above regarding “Flowers & Trees” and “Gemstones”, a great deal could be said about Gold. It is valuable and known for being used to make jewelry; however, Gold is truly a remarkable substance that benefits Mankind in so many powerful ways. It is one of the most interesting Spiritual Teachings that people can study, because we see Gold (and use it) regularly but without realizing how important it really is to People, Economies, and the Earth. It is a physical manifestation of Sunlight . . . the Formless brought into Form. Gold has an amazing ability to bring Balance & Stability to the Four Lower Bodies of Mankind and the Earth as well as to the Economy, which is why “The Gold Standard” was so important. The Ascended Master known as “God of Gold” said that the salvation of the Soul of America is dependent on re-establishing the Gold Standard, and this Spiritual Teaching would also apply to ALL nations around the world.  

Gold Bars
Miraculous Medal


Incense & Scents

Incense & Scents


As with everything that Mother Nature provides, God blesses us with Heavenly Scents through the abundance of vegetation on the Earth. We experience this whenever we smell the unique and sweet fragrances of flowers, for example, which express on the Physical Plane some of the “Cosmic Perfumes” that Ascended Masters experience at Higher Levels. Throughout history, incense has been burned in homes and religious buildings. Incense is an important Spiritual Tool for many reasons. The burning of the incense symbolizes the burning / sacrifice of our lesser self on the “Altar of God”. The rising smoke can also symbolize the rising of our Love / Devotion / Gratitude / Surrender / Obedience to God through our prayers and Walking the Spiritual Path.


The different smells serve different purposes depending on what is needed at the time. Most incense can be used when meditating. Some are used specifically for healing / rejuvenating. Some are used specifically for religious rituals and the purification of the “atmosphere” in a home / religious building (e.g., Frankincense). Some are used to clear homes / buildings of negative energy and negative spirits / entities (e.g., Frankincense and White Sage). The ingredients and preparation of a special incense / offering (i.e., Ketoret) were given to Moses by God and had to be burned twice daily on the Golden Altar in the Holy Temple . . . where the Ark of the Covenant was placed.  

Incense Holy Tabernacle


Light / Color

Light / Color


The White Light of God spiritually disperses into the 12 Colors of the 12 Rays (as well as countless combinations of them). We learned from the Ascended Masters that “Spiritual Flames” embody Attributes of God and have specific purposes as well as specific colors (e.g., Power / Blue, Wisdom / Yellow, Love / Pink, Purity / White, Healing / Green, Service / Purple & Gold, Freedom / Violet, and Resurrection / Mother-of-Pearl). We know that our Auras contain various colors depending on what Qualities of God we are expressing. Many healing techniques / therapies are based on using Light / Color. Bright or Pastel colors can positively influence our thoughts, emotions, attitude, energy levels, and consciousness, which is why wearing clothes and painting the walls of rooms with the Colors of the Rays / Flames of God will benefit everyone on the Spiritual Path.    

White Light - Prism - Rainbow





We can view Prayer as an “Alpha Activity”, because we use it out of Love to call forth the Light of The Father / Spirit so that It descends into The Mother / Matter Universe. We can view Meditation as an “Omega Activity”, because we use it to open our minds to receive Wisdom / Truth and for our Souls / Consciousness to Ascend from The Mother / Matter Universe and rise upward to The Father / Spirit. 


The only way to go “Upward” is by going “Inward”; this means following the Inner Path and going within ourselves (through concentration / focus / meditation) so that we can rise to higher levels of consciousness . . . and, therefore, Higher Spiritual Realms. It is through Stillness & Silence that we can receive Greater / Clearer Illuminations from the Ascended Masters and our Higher Self about anything that we would like to know more about.   


There are different types of meditation for different purposes. For example, some people choose to meditate in order to relax and “get away from the world” for a short period of time. Others meditate on specific Images to help raise their consciousness (e.g., Ascended Masters / Mystics / Sages / Saints, Sacred Geometry, Spiritual Concepts, Beautiful Scenery of Nature / Universe, and Heavenly Landscapes or Temples on the Etheric Plane). 

Chakras & Meditation

The Summit Lighthouse

The HC - Meditation


Movies / Videos

Movies / Videos


Some Tools for the Spiritual Path are considered “Sacred” (e.g., Altars, Paintings / Statues, Flowers, Gemstones, Gold, Incense, and so on). Others may not be Sacred, but they can be useful for our spiritual development. There are some movies that contain lovely music, beautiful scenery, inspirational stories, and excellent acting. Such movies are a pleasant and beneficial form of entertainment, but they can also help us to learn / remember important lessons for our lives. Video platforms on the Internet have millions of videos covering almost any topic of interest. Documentaries, informational videos, movies, and even some television shows can be used as Tools for many people around the world . . . especially in our current society where relatively few people attend Plays (e.g., “Shakespeare” / Francis Bacon / Saint Germain) or Operas (e.g., Richard Wagner) but do watch movies / videos on their computers,  phones, and televisions.     

Ten Commandments Movie
Sound of Music Movie
Amazing Grace Movie


Music & Sound

Music & Sound


People around the world love Music, and they have throughout history. It can be an incredibly powerful Tool for our Spiritual Paths, if we listen to the types of Music that help us to rise higher in consciousness. They can be used to help bring Heaven to Earth and raise Earth to Heaven, depending on what kind of music it is, who composed it, who is playing it, who is singing (if there are words), and what the lyrics are expressing. For example, many Classical Songs were able to tap into the “Music of the Spheres” and the “Keynotes” of Ascended Masters. Others provide incredible lyrics that inspire the Soul and can bring forth great feelings of Love, Joy, Freedom, Peace, Harmony, and so on.


Sound has the Power to Create or Destroy, and it can be used through Music, the Human Voice, or Healing Devices to achieve remarkable things on ALL Levels . . . spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically. Greater things will be done with Music & Sound as we transition into the Age of Aquarius (especially when we establish a Golden Age Civilization). 

Galaxy Music






An important Spiritual Tool that has been used for religious purposes is Oil. There are a number of references in The Bible regarding the use of Oil (e.g., anointing priests, healing the sick, when fasting, and so on). There are Greater Teachings about the use of Oils and which ones should be used for specific purposes. There is basic knowledge, but there is also Higher Knowledge . . . and this applies to our understanding of EVERYTHING that Mother Nature provides (e.g., Flowers, Gemstones, Gold, and Oils . . . including those which come from nuts / seeds and from the powerful ingredients used to make Holy Anointing Oil). There are also incredible benefits to using Frankincense Oil, Myrrh Oil, Rose Oil, and Spikenard Oil.  

Rose Oil


Physical Gestures / Movements / Postures

Physical Gestures / Movements / Postures


We know that moving our physical bodies through various activities is very important for our health / well-being. However, this includes our spiritual, mental, and emotional aspects as well. The “Four Lower Bodies” are intertwined, and physical movement benefits them all. Calisthenics, Gymnastics, Hiking, Swimming, Walking, and different Sports are just a few examples of beneficial forms of exercise. However, there are specific ways in which we can physically move and position our bodies / body parts that can be powerful Practices / Tools on the Spiritual Path when it comes to flowing with Cosmic Energies, anchoring Light into the Earth, rising higher in consciousness, healing / energizing our Four Lower Bodies, and sending Healing Rays / Blessings to others. 


Lotus Position for Meditation

Mudra & Mantra



Tai Chi


Buddha Mudra
Shi Heng Yi
Waltzing Under the Stars


Physical Objects

Physical Objects


When it comes to Tools for the Spiritual Path, there are many Physical Objects that can be used along with all of the others mentioned in this section. The examples listed below may not be ones that most people are familiar with. They would have heard about some of them from books / movies / television shows but may not know that they are Real Spiritual Tools. Information about a few of the others were shared by the Ascended Masters and will be new to some people.


It is possible to use Physical Objects to interact with other Planes (i.e., Etheric, Mental, and Emotional), such as consecrating a knife or sword and using it to “cut through” / remove “Entities” that exist on the Astral Plane but can attach themselves to humans and animals as well as maintain a presence in homes / buildings. While most people do not walk around with a Wand or Staff, they are both Tools that have been used in the past by “True Magicians” (i.e., Adepts / Masters) to project Light / Energy / Power from the person using it. It is also possible to “charge” Physical Objects with Light / Energy / Power for specific purposes (i.e., Talismans).       

Ascension Chair


Magic Mirror

(Attempt to create a physical “Cosmic Mirror”)

Miraculous Medal


Sword / Knife


Vajra / Dorje

Wand / Staff

Ascension Chair
TSL - Cosmic Mirror
Padma & Vajra
Changed - Staff





One of the most Holy & Powerful Activities that is practiced on the Spiritual Path is a “Sacred Ritual”. This Spiritual Tool consists of a specific pattern of behavior and contains special elements that are always repeated in a fixed order whenever it is performed. There are many kinds of Rituals, depending on what people hope to achieve at the time. What makes a Ritual unique is also what makes it Holy . . . and, therefore, Powerful . . . and that is how it contains a special combination of different Spiritual Practices in One Sacred Activity. For example, it is not just Prayer alone, or Meditation alone, or Singing alone, and so on. It is like performing a Classical Masterpiece . . . a “Sacred Musical Ritual” of melody, harmony, rhythm, and dynamics . . . that brings the Light of Heaven into the Earth to bless All of Life and inspires God’s Children on their Spiritual Journey to return “Home”.


A Spiritual Ritual can be simple or complex. For example, a complex Ritual can take place at a specific time of day, week, month, or year . . . at a specific location . . . indoors or outdoors . . . as a group or individually . . . wearing specific clothing . . . speaking specific words . . . making specific gestures . . . performing specific actions . . . and using specific objects / tools. Some very powerful Rituals can be extremely simple and performed by one person in the privacy of his / her own home, especially when the Rituals were presented by the Ascended Masters through direct illumination or through a Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood.


The Sacred Rituals that Ascended Masters recommend would be more Powerful than nearly all of the Rituals currently being performed in the world’s religions. This is true for a few reasons. First, anything from Ascended Beings will always be Higher / Purer / More Powerful than what a “human institution” (that is influenced by Unascended Beings) is capable of producing. Second, the “Old Rituals” performed by various religions are important and can be Powerful . . . but they usually lose Power over time. People often forget the meaning of each aspect of the Rituals; this can lead to a lack of true appreciation for the Rituals, an inability to perform them with the same “Fire of the Heart”, and a lack of true Devotion to God that Rituals are intended to demonstrate. Third, “New Rituals” can be more Powerful due to New Light / Energy / Vibration that is vital for an ever-changing world and with new requirements that must be met in order to help Humanity and the Earth rise to higher levels of consciousness. Fourth, the Ascended Masters can provide Mankind with Sacred Rituals for the “Inner Path” that involve the understanding and application of Higher Mysteries / Cosmic Laws that the general public does not have access to with the “Outer Path” of the world’s religions.

A Few Examples

The Unison Ritual

Great Central Sun Ritual

Sacred Ritual for Attunement with God’s Holy Will

Sacred Ritual for Soul Purification

Sacred Ritual for Transport and Holy Work

Sacred Ritual for Oneness

Padre Pio Chalice


Spiritual Teachings

Spiritual Teachings


A very important (and exciting) part of Walking the Spiritual Path includes learning more about God, Creation, and Ourselves. This can take place in a few ways: direct illumination from the Ascended Masters and/or Our Higher Self . . . listening to others (audio / video / in person) . . . and reading books / websites / writings of various kinds. It is not intended to be an intellectual process of the “human mind” that just memorizes information. It is intended to be a Sacred Activity of the “Heart” & “Christ Mind” that allows us to fully experience the Light / Energy / Vibration of True Teachers sharing True Teachings in order for us to then put the Theory into Practice for the betterment of Oneself, Civilization, and the Planet. Knowledge is Potential Power, and studying Higher Spiritual Teachings can be used for powerful transformation.

A Few Examples

“Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”

- 2 Timothy 2:15

Changed - Mario


Spoken Word

Spoken Word


We know that Sound is unbelievably powerful, and that is one reason why the human voice is so important through Speaking, Singing, and Praying. It is an amazing instrument through which we can share our thoughts with others, but human speech is also incredible because the Words produce specific Sounds . . . and the Words themselves are “Cups” that contain “Light” (i.e., different Attributes / Vibrations of God’s Being). At an even more fundamental level, every Vowel and Consonant is very important when it comes to specific Sounds. When they are combined, we have Words . . . then we have Sentences . . . and eventually we can have entire Speeches or entire Books. These consist of many different Sounds which all combine to create “Waterfalls of Light” that descend from Heaven to the Earth.  


Every Word is important for bringing Light into the Physical Plane, which is why the Ascended Masters / Mystics / Sages / Saints understood the need to monitor their speech. They did not engage in vulgarity, gossip, or idle chatter. They chose their Words carefully, because they only wanted the Highest / Purest / Most Powerful “Expressions of Light & Love” to come through them (i.e., their Throat Chakra). This is also why children must be taught their native language (especially English) using Phonics; it is about much more than learning to read and write (even though they are VERY important) . . . it is also about them one day having the opportunity to understand and apply the Higher Mysteries of the Spoken Word!

Most people may not realize that there is a Spiritual Science of the Spoken Word. It is more Beautiful, Complex, and Powerful than simply uttering words. It involves our Chakras, our Auras, Our Higher Self, Visualization, Postures, Gestures, the specific Words spoken, the speed and rhythm with which they are spoken, the Spiritual Beings the Spoken Word is directed at, and for what purpose the Spoken Word is being used. It is truly incredible! There are also different types of Spoken Word that are used for different situations / purposes. They are all powerful in their own right, and they are extremely useful Spiritual Tools for Personal & Planetary Transformation.  










The Summit Lighthouse Glossary

Spoken Word: The Word of the LORD God released in the original fiats of Creation. The release of the energies of the Word, or the Logos, through the throat chakra by the sons and daughters of God. Today disciples use the power of the Word in Decrees, Affirmations, prayers and mantras to draw the essence of the sacred fire from the I AM Presence, the Christ Self and cosmic beings to channel God's light for the purpose of transmutation, transformation and constructive change in the planes of Matter.

The Hearts Center Dictionary

Spoken Word: A spiritual practice of giving affirmations, mantras, decrees, invocations, fiats, and calls out loud rather than silently, this science when given with devotion to God and humility may be more powerfully effec­tive in bringing about physical transformation be­cause the energy of the prayers is anchored in the physical plane of being through the use of our throat chakra. Calling upon the Lord using the name of God in English, I AM THAT I AM or I AM, allows divine light and energy to coalesce within our dimension and level of exis­tence. Divine beings must respond when we pray with holy intention and call heaven’s graces into play within our world.

Spoken Word






Some people may wonder what the difference is between Meditation and Visualization, because the terms are often used interchangeably and seem like they are exactly the same practice. They are both Inner Spiritual Practices that engage the Chakras, but they are used for different purposes. Meditation is a “Passive Activity”, and Visualization is an “Active Activity”. When we Meditate, we are using the opportunity to listen and receive Wisdom / Answers to our prayers / Guidance . . . to focus on Higher Spiritual Concepts through Sacred Images . . . and to rise higher in consciousness beyond the Physical Plane.


When we Visualize, we are using the opportunity to focus on very specific things that we would like to make happen (e.g., protecting, illumining, radiating Love / Light / Qualities of God, cleansing / purifying, holding an “Immaculate Concept”, precipitating, serving Life, forgiving, transforming, and achieving success with spiritual goals / projects to name a few examples). It can also involve the use of the Spoken Word. Even athletes are beginning to understand the “Power of Visualization” . . . to clear their minds, calm their emotions, and focus on healing / strengthening their bodies, improving their performance, and achieving their goals. It is the powerful combination of specific Images / Thoughtforms and strong Feelings / Emotions that bring what we envision into the Physical Plane while we are actively Flowing with the Holy Spirit. This is how our “Thoughts become Things” . . . how our “Dreams become a Reality”.

Disney - Vision





The word Yoga means “Union” in Sanskrit. It refers to our Divine Union with God . . . and the Union of our Soul with our I AM Presence. While it is likely that “Yoga” originated during the time of Atlantis or Lemuria (or maybe even sooner), most people have never heard of Atlantis or Lemuria . . . or, if they have, they do not know that they were once Real Continents and that many Spiritual Teachings & Practices that we have today came from those two Ancient Civilizations. What most people do accept is that Yoga originated in the East (i.e., India), and it is also becoming more widely known / practiced in the West. 

“Yoga”, as a Whole, is like a Spiritual Tree that consists of different branches that focus on different Spiritual Disciplines / Practices. The various forms of Yoga that people have heard about can be understood as different “Paths” that lead to Union with God. They are different “Rivers of Life” that all lead to the same “Ocean of Life”. Each type of Yoga is wonderful and beneficial in its own right, and people should pray for Illumination / Guidance and follow their Hearts in order to choose which one they feel is right for them. Perhaps, their Souls will choose to practice a different Yoga for different lifetimes, or some people may want to try all of them in one lifetime. The Spiritual Goal is Oneness / Union with The Creator, and how we achieve that is up to us Individually. Different Yogic Paths for Different Yogis . . . ALL leading to the One Supreme God.

Surya Yoga / Sun Yoga & Sun Gazing

Shiva Yoga
Omraam - David Keil
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