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Pillar 2: Service to Life
The Sacred Second of The Three Pillars of Purpose is “Service to Life”. Pillar 1 was focused on “Self-Perfectionment”, which is something that we ALL must work on until we finally earn our Ascensions. It is true that we can do Greater Things the Purer we are, and this supports the need for us to strive daily for Greater Self-Realization and Self-Mastery . . . which come from Walking the Spiritual Path, rising higher in consciousness, and becoming as Pure as possible.
However, this is not to suggest that we should sit back and do nothing in the meantime. If we waited until we were “Perfect” to do something, we would never get anything done! Therefore, it is very important that we begin (or continue) the Process of Purification so that we can also increase our Level of Self-Perfectionment. The Three Pillars are not listed in chronological order but rather co-exist and should be focused on simultaneously. Of course, the more we achieve with Pillar 1, the greater the results will be for Pillar 2 . . . and the more we achieve with Pillars 1 & 2, the greater the results will be for Pillar 3.
A large amount of information was presented for Pillar 1, and that is because there was so much to focus on when it comes to our vital work of Self-Perfectionment. In fact, what was shared is only a tiny fraction of what could have been shared. Hopefully, it will provide the necessary Foundation for the Spiritual Path that can be understood and applied by ANYONE in the world . . . regardless of circumstances, class, gender, race, or religious beliefs.
There is no need to make Pillar 2 any longer than is necessary. There is only so much specific information that can be shared when trying to explain the importance of “Serving Life”. Therefore, this section will be shorter than Pillar 1 . . . but it is just as significant for making the world a better place. What will be shared in this section is a reminder of our Divine Purpose to provide Love & Support to ALL aspects of Life. Many ideas, and even inspirational resources, will be provided to help people with their Sacred Duties.
Some people may wonder what is meant by “Service to Life”. It can be as general or specific as people would like. It involves dedicating ourselves to improving one (or more) aspects of Life that we feel guided from within to focus on. While in a human body, we do not have the Energy / Knowledge / Skills / Time to do EVERYTHING . . . but we can do ANYTHING. We must figure out what area of Life we would like to support and work with our Higher Self / the Ascended Masters / Angels / Elementals to carry out the necessary actions with a Balance of Power, Wisdom, and Love. We are Unique Individualizations of God, and we must express that Individuality through our Service to Life.
Examples of Service
Helping Man
Helping Animals
Helping the Environment / Planet
Helping Souls “trapped” in limiting states of consciousness on the Physical Plane, Emotional / Astral Plane, Mental Plane, and Lower Etheric Plane
We are trying to bring Heaven to Earth and raise Earth to Heaven, which means the Noble Task of Restoring God’s Original Blueprint. We are trying to allow the Natural Beauty, Purity, and Perfection of our Father-Mother God to Manifest as our True Reality, which is God’s Holy Will. We should not be prideful (because of the human ego) thinking that God’s Creation was “inferior”, and it is up to us to make it “superior”. Instead, we should fully understand that the Fallen Ones have been working for eons to destroy God’s Creation and establish their own “counterfeit creation” while dragging God’s Children into “Hell” with them . . . to be mindless slaves. Our focus is to undo what has been done and bring the Earth back into a Pristine State . . . which we read about in the Allegory of the Garden of Eden.
We “left” the Holy Garden long ago . . . but we will finally “return” in the Age of Aquarius. Our Holy Cause will lead to our Triumphal March back to where we belong! This is why we must devote ourselves to God & Service to Life. It is a “High & Holy Calling” in order to bring forth the Light so that the Darkness will be consumed. This is a Holy Mission to save Souls for God’s Holy Harvest and prevent the Fallen Ones from stealing Souls for their Unholy Harvest.
We can see that Pillar 2 corresponds closely with Pillar 3 . . . “Co-Creating a New World”. The reason they are presented as different “Pillars” is because Pillar 2 is focused on our Individual Selfless Service and can be done even by those who are not consciously / intentionally Walking the Spiritual Path. For example, “Good Deeds” / “Generosity” are a part of our Service to Life, but that does not necessarily mean that we are focused on Spirituality, God, Ascended Masters, or trying to establish a Golden Age Civilization.
Pillar 2 is absolutely vital for our Spiritual Development and the Betterment of Society. Pillar 3 takes things to a Higher Level in that we become very focused on creating a “New World” by rising higher in consciousness to BE Co-Creators with God . . . and working alongside the Ascended Masters / Angels / Elementals / Fellow Lightbearers. The more we focus on both Pillars 1 & 2, the more success we will achieve TOGETHER with Pillar 3. Our effort with Self-Perfectionment & Service to Life will lead to us Co-Creating a New World . . . “Saint Germain’s New World”!
We can understand how important it is to bring Love & Joy into the daily lives of others. Even seemingly “small good deeds” greatly help to change things in society so that we can establish a New World. This is what Pillar 2 is about. When it comes to Pillar 3, the focus is usually larger in scale. It is like helping an elderly person cross a busy street compared to transforming the Federal Government. Both are very important in their own right, and both help to create a New World in their own way. Therefore, Pillars 2 & 3 are Separate . . . but are also One. And the better we do with Pillar 1, the better we can do with Pillars 2 & 3.
“But he that is greatest among you shall be your servant.
And whosoever shall exalt himself shall be abased; and he that shall humble himself shall be exalted.”
- Matthew 23:11-12
A Servant of All
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